As we come to the end of visitor season and we enter the winter months, we download data from the people counters we have dotted around the island. We're always nervous when we open up the counters. They are set going in the spring and not returned to until the winter. Will they have worked? will the batteries have lasted? will the cows have pushed the posts out of alignment? will foliage have obscured the posts? This year, all bar one counter has been reliable.

The picture shows the counters on the path to Traigh Mheilein - just the right height for cows to scratch on.
This year the number of visitors is generally down. Huisinis Gateway - North Harris' busiest spot saw a decrease of 16% in people entering the building. This follows the reduction in campervans counted at the site. Elsewhere on the estate, there has been growth. The numbers walking out to Eilean Glas Lighthouse have risen - perhaps word is spreading about the availability of tea and cakes. Numbers at Ardvourlie Woodland are also on the rise. This follows the installation of interpretation panels and new signage at the entrance.
Full details of this years count are included in the report below