Footpath Network
We manage over 20 miles / 32 km of paths and tracks which run throughout the estate. Since the North Harris Trust was formed, path maintenance and restoration has been a priority, as it represents vital access infrastructure for residents, workers, and visitors. Each year we carry out routine maintenance of the network, often with the help of volunteers. In order to find out the level of path use, we have radio-beam people counters installed at various locations, these help to inform priorities for future path work.
Below are the details of the main footpaths in North Harris, including those that we have brought back up to standard. These include:
Lochannan Lacasdail Loop Walk
Àird a’ Mhulaidh Woodland Loop Walk
Ceann a Muigh – Eilean Glas (Scalpay Lighthouse)
Hùisinis – Tràigh Mheilein (“Stiamair”)
Urgha – Màraig
Urgha – Reinigeadail (“Postman’s Path”)
Loch Chliostair – Sròn Uladail
Miabhaig nam Beann – Bogha Glas
Loch Leosaid - Huisinis
Please note that the Loch Chliostair – Sròn Uladail path does not have parking facilities.
Please be aware that there is a significant herd of red deer roaming freely on the estate. Read the guidance notes for hill walkers during stalking season here.
The Scottish Outdoors Access Code
As in the rest of Scotland, visitors in North Harris are expected to follow the Scottish Outdoors Access Code. This includes leaving the area as you found it; leave gates as they were when you arrived, bring any litter back with you, and dogs must be kept under control on croft land. Remember that causing harm or distress to animals is an offence.
You can learn more here.

Ceum Dhireascal
Tha cuid de na ceuman againn anns a’ Cheann a Tuath air a bhith ann fad linntean. B’ àbhaist dha dhaoine a bhith a’ fuireach air feadh na h-oighreachd agus bha iad a’ cleachdadh agus a’ glèidheadh nan ceuman a tha fhathast ann an cùram an Urrais.
Tha ceum eachdraidheil ri lorg ri taobh Loch Rèasort, eadar Direascal agus Ceann Loch Rèasort. Cha deach an ceum seo a chrìochnachadh riamh oir dh’fhalbh muinntir Dhireascal ann an 1904. Tha an ceum fhathast ann ge-tà, a’ stad beagan ceudan de mheatairean ro gach baile. Ged nach eilear ga chleachdadh tric sna làithean-seo, ’s e cuimhneachan a th’ ann gun robh na sinnsearan againn a’ fuireach air feadh na sgìre.