Iomairt an Òbain
When the North Harris Trust was first established, the community believed that increasing both the quality and quantity of local jobs was key to regenerating North Harris. The results of our annual community consultations have continued to re-enforce this understanding.
At present, we directly employ eight local people on a mix of full and part time contracts. In addition, local contractors and suppliers are also used wherever possible for project and maintenance work. Other seasonal or short-term employment can also become available through us, however this is usually linked to project funding.
Improving our ability to employ people directly is only part of our strategy; we also seek to facilitate the growth of small local businesses to develop and increase local employment opportunities. One of the ways this has been done is through three business starter units which were built at Iomairt an Obain in East Tarbert in 2015.
These units have been continuously occupied since then, with tenancies in high demand. In 2019, a feasibility study was produced to demonstrate demand for further business units. Although demand was proven, identifying suitable sites and securing funding has proven difficult.
Business Units