When the North Harris Trust was established, it was understood that the community taking ownership of the land would open up a wide range of opportunities. As such, the constitution of the organisation was designed to be relatively wide-ranging to allow for the flexible development of all community projects which could be envisaged at the time. Over the years, many different areas have been developed depending on the opportunities and funding available.
The board of Directors undertake strategic reviews whenever necessary, the latest strategic plan was drafted in light of the significant changes to the post-Covid economic landscape. Our plans are informed by community feedback and determine the priorities for our direction as an organisation. This allows a flexible approach to new opportunities as they arise as well as a considered plan for the stewardship of what we have for future generations.’
To achieve the regeneration and development of the North Harris community by managing the North Harris Estate as an area of outstanding wild and rugged beauty, through local participation and working with other partners where appropriate, all for the benefit of the local community and the wider public.

To take all appropriate measures to conserve the natural heritage of North Harris for the benefit of the community and the public at large and to promote open public access thereto insofar as this is not detrimental to such conservation.
To promote trade and industry for the benefit of the general public.
To relieve poverty and provide help for the aged, handicapped and infirm and to advance education and other charitable purposes beneficial to the community.
To provide or promote the provision of housing for people in necessitous circumstances and also specially designed or adapted housing as may be required for the elderly, handicapped or disabled.
To develop or promote the development of infrastructure for the benefit of the general public to improve communications throughout North Harris including piers, harbours, roads and bridges, provided always that any development of such infrastructure does not relieve the local authority of its statutory obligations.
To formulate a strategy for community development with full participation of the community
To manage, conserve and develop the assets of the estate in a sustainable manner
To keep North Harris wild and beautiful by safeguarding and enhancing the environment and managing this in ways that benefit the local community and the general public
To generate awareness, understanding and appreciation of the cultural heritage of North Harris including the Gaelic language.
To facilitate appropriate community development by providing land and other resources for local housing, business and community needs
To encourage sustainable crofting development and regeneration
To facilitate the maintenance and development of aquaculture enterprise and employment in a sustainable manner appropriate to the local area
To facilitate the enjoyment of the natural heritage by enabling open responsible access for all
To facilitate the creation of native woodlands in appropriate areas
To work with statutory bodies to improve local infrastructure and services