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Huisinis Planning Approval

This week we received permission from the planners to put up two micro-wind turbines like the one shown in the picture. The two machines will hopefully sit on 12.5m towers on the rocky bit of ground behind the toilets – before you get to the machair-proper. For the first time this winter, you’ll be able to spend a penny during the darkness hours.

We are still hard at work looking for funding for the main redevelopemnt of the toilet block. The objectives are to provide:

a room like the Eagle Observatory for winter shelter and viewing 1. somewhere for groups to meet – like our guided walks 2. somewhere to include some interpretation on the machair 3. a start to the ready-funded nature trail

updated toilet facilities 1. expansion space for future showers (dependent upon water supply upgrade) 2. recycling rain water to reduce demand on the village supply 3. improved rubbish bin facilities

upgraded parking


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