One of our projects to support the regeneration of native woodlands progressed rapidly this week as 10 tonnes of fencing materials were airlifted out to Gleann Trolamaraig.

Important remnants of native woodland still cling to inaccessible steep slopes along the shores of Loch Trolamaraig and in numerous gorges. With a reduction in grazing pressure, seedlings from these ‘relics’ will at last have the chance to establish and colonise the open ground.

By making the most of natural boundaries to red deer access formed by lochs, populated areas and the sea, the relatively short 3km electric fenceline will effectively annex an area of 1,500ha. No doubt some deer will still find their way into the area but with the support of the Harris Stalking Club deer densities will be kept as low as possible.

Contractors have been appointed to install the fence strainers over the next three months and Trust staff, assisted by volunteers, will complete the fence during the summer of 2015.
Clearly it is going to take decades for these seedlings to establish extensive woodland areas, but if natural regeneration is successful, the process will be accelerated by planting trees propagated from locally gathered seed.
So far, thanks are due to The John Muir Trust and The Carnegie Trust for donating the majority of the fencing materials. Net Services (Scotland), Paul Finnegan and CNES are thanked for their help with the logistics.
If you have any questions about this project, contact our Land Manager: Gordon Cumming at tel: 01859502683
Trolmaraig Copter from North Harris Trust on Vimeo.