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Lena Morrison

What is the Trust to you?

"Represents my home and my roots"


Lena grew up near the castle as her dad was a game keeper. For her, growing up in North Harris and estate, all of her childhood memories are from the local area. People make a place, therefore the North Harris Trust represents her home and her roots. 


Why do you serve as a Director?

"The Trust is important because it gives people who live, work and conjure to the community a huge say in the direction in which we want to take it"


By being a director, you have a real say in the land. Having the ability to shape the direction and travel forwards is huge for Lena. Lena sees so many possibilities for the development of North Harris, both the natural landscape and social development. 


Lena wants to be involved with making these beneficial changes. She wants those coming in the future to have the benefit of the work that she has put in. 


North Harris Community

"There is definitely a strong sense of community, people genuinely care and look after each other"


Lena says that when she walks down the street, people know who she is and to her, that's really special. 



Lena Morrison
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