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Kirsty Mary MacKay

What is the Trust to you?

"Owning our own land and having control"


The Trust is in amongst the people, our directors know the local community and have an interest in local development ourselves. All the directors are involved and we represent a large area of North Harris. This is a huge difference to how land ownership used to be.  


Why do you serve as a Director?

"It's important to have a variety of people with a variety of skills, interest and experience"


It's important to have  different ages and experiences in the board of directors, this helps the Trust have a broader range of knowledge when approaching projects or decisions. 


North Harris Community

"People move here because of the community"


Kirsty feels that the support system in North Harris is very strong, where people care for each other. After studying on the mainland, she wanted to return home to Harris as she missed the landscape and the special community. 





Kirsty MacKay
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