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Our New Website

Fàilte dhan Làrach-lìn ùr againn!

Welcome to our New Website

Twenty years ago, the North Harris Trust bought the North Harris Estate on behalf of our local community. A lot has happened since, and our community has changed in many ways. While some changes bring uncertainty, and others seem to come about too slowly, there is no doubt that a great deal has been accomplished.

This twenty year anniversary felt like an opportune moment for us to renew our website, which had started to show its age after years of good service. We have had a student placement over the past few months, who has done a tremendous amount of work in creating a brand new website which will continue to be a source of information for many years to come.

If you are reading this piece, it means you are already on the new website, so fàilte! You will see that it is not only visually more pleasant and easy to use, but much of the content has also been updated. A separate website has also been created for the subsidiary North Harris Trading Company, at

Chì sibh nach eil tionndaidh Ghàidhlig den làrach-lìn. Chan fhaic sibh putan am bad-eigin a’ dol gu eadar-theangachaidhean facal air fhacal den Bheurla. ’S e taghadh a th’ ann, oir ’s ann ro thric nach bi daoine a’ cleadhdadh tionndaidhean Gàidhlig de làraichean-lìn eile – agus air sgàth sin chan fhaic iad ar cànan idir! Ach ’s e cànan ar coimhearsnachd a tha sa Ghàidhlig, agus bu chòir dha h-uile neach fhaicinn agus a chluinntinn. ’S mar sin dheth, chuir sinne ar cànan an siud ’s an seo air iomadh duilleag, gus am faic a h-uile duine i. Agus na bithibh an dùil ri eadar-theangachaidhean sam bith: Gach turas a chì sibh i, gheibh sibh fiosrachadh a bharrachd nach eil ri lorg sa Bheurla. Tha sinn an dòchas gum bi sibh a’ faireachdainn gu bheil an làrach-lìn ùr na riochdaire iomchaidh dhan choimhearsnachd.


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